Why Digital Strategy Feels Impossible (and How to Push Through)

Why Digital Strategy Feels Impossible (and How to Push Through)

Have you ever set out to change your behavior? Maybe you wanted to work out more, post consistently on social media, or make more sales calls. At first, it feels exciting. You imagine the benefits—more leads, more growth, better results. But then reality hits, and suddenly, it feels overwhelming.

You’re not alone. This is a well-documented process called Kelley & Conner’s Emotional Cycle of Change—a framework that explains why change is hard and why most people give up before they reach success.

If you’ve ever struggled to stick with a new habit, this post is for you. Let’s break down the cycle and, more importantly, how to get through it.

The Emotional Cycle of Change

1. Uninformed Optimism: The Excitement of a Fresh Start

This is where it all begins. You see others succeeding with digital strategy, fitness, or any habit you want to adopt. You think: If they can do it, I can too!

You feel unstoppable, inspired, and ready to go. The problem? You don’t fully understand the effort required yet. You’re excited about the end goal, but you haven’t yet faced the daily grind it takes to get there.

2. Informed Pessimism: Reality Hits

After a few days or weeks, the work starts to pile up. You’ve posted a few times on LinkedIn, but engagement is low. You’ve started tracking your calories, but now you’re hungry all the time. You’ve tried editing a video, but it’s way harder than you expected.

This is when doubt creeps in. You start thinking, Maybe this isn’t for me. Maybe I’m not cut out for this.

Many people quit here—but those who push through hit the next stage.

3. The Valley of Despair: The Breaking Point

This is the hardest stage. It’s where most people give up. You’re exhausted, frustrated, and questioning everything.

For digital strategy, this might be the moment where you stare at a blank screen, unsure what to write. Or when you realize editing a simple video is taking you three hours.

You feel like a failure. But here’s the secret: Everyone goes through this. The people you see succeeding? They hit this wall too. The only difference? They didn’t stop.

4. Informed Optimism: The Breakthrough

If you keep pushing, something amazing happens. Your skills improve. Your process gets smoother. You start seeing results.

In digital strategy, I typically see this around months 3–6 of consistent effort. You start getting engagement. People reach out to you. It starts to feel… easier.

At this stage, you realize, I can do this. And you’re right.

5. Success & Fulfillment: The Payoff

This is why you started. You’ve reached the benefits you imagined in the beginning—maybe even more. You’ve built consistency, developed new skills, and achieved your goal.

For digital strategy, this means your content is working. You’re getting inbound leads. Your audience sees you as an expert. And now, content creation isn’t a struggle—it’s just part of what you do.

How to Navigate the Cycle and Push Through

Understanding this cycle is one thing—getting through it is another. Here are a few key strategies to keep moving forward:

1. Set Realistic Expectations

Change isn’t instant. There will be struggle. Knowing that from the start helps you stay committed when it gets tough.

2. Find Accountability

Join a community, find an accountability partner, or surround yourself with people who’ve been through it. This is why we run our Catalyst Community—to help business leaders push through these challenges together.

3. Break It Down Into Small Steps

Trying to do too much at once leads to burnout. Focus on one habit at a time. Instead of aiming for a perfect digital strategy, start with just one post per week.

4. Celebrate Small Wins

Every blog post, every video, every sales call is progress. Recognizing small wins keeps you motivated.

5. Focus on Progress, Not Perfection

Your first attempts won’t be great. That’s okay. Keep going. Improvement comes with time and repetition.

Where Are You in the Cycle?

Now that you know the emotional cycle of change, where do you think you are?

Are you excited and optimistic? Are you struggling in the Valley of Despair? Or are you finally seeing the payoff?

Wherever you are, remember: everyone goes through this. The key is to keep going.

If you’re navigating this cycle and want support, drop a comment or check out our Catalyst Community—because change is easier when you’re not doing it alone.

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